Double Your Chances of Quitting with Free Help
Quit Partner is here 24/7 with free help to quit your way. We get that for most people, quitting smoking, vaping or chewing takes more than one try. So whenever you’re ready to start (or re-start) quitting, we're ready too with free nicotine patches, gum or lozenges, as well as emails, phone calls and more. The best part? By teaming up with a free coach and trying things like gum at the same time, you’ll double your chances of quitting for good.
Meet Quit Partner
Get Even More Free Support with Medical Assistance or MinnesotaCare
Talk to Your Doctor
If you have Medical Assistance or MinnesotaCare, you can get free in-person counseling and additional quit medications through your healthcare provider.

Want to Try a Different Medication to Quit?
If you have Medical Assistance or MinnesotaCare, just talk to your doctor about getting a prescription for Chantix®, Bupropion, nicotine inhalers or nicotine nasal spray, all available without a co-pay.